Are you pregnant and unsure of the changes you should make to best look after your health and the health of your unborn baby as well, particularly when it comes to teas and hydration? In order to best nourish both you and your unborn baby, we present some wonderful alternatives for you to avoid unpleasant symptoms while you are pregnant.
* Article written for Simply Ginger by: Faizairshad
Nora tea can be a vital part of prenatal care and its nutrients are nourishing and stimulate optimal health of the body. Our Special Pregnancy/Nora Tea ( Available Here On Amazon ) is formulated specifically for pregnant, women trying to conceive and those in the postpartum/4th trimester period as well. Nettle, red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, oat straw, lemon balm, red roses, and rosehips are nutritious ingredients added to our organic pregnancy tea. Although it is not a miraculous tea, it supports and promotes mineral absorption, can prevent anemia, and help optimize liver health. [1] [2]
Nora tea ( available on our website here ) can help one to avoid potential difficulties during labor and delivery as it also encourages uterine contraction and release of the placenta.
Ingredients and Their Pharmacological Actions:
- Nettle
Nettle leaves are an excellent source of vitamins C, A, and K and minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and silica. Nettle leaves are a nervine tonic and help reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, nettle leaves improve milk production, support kidneys and adrenals, reduce discharge, and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, nettle leaves tea is given to women after childbirth which helps to gain energy. [3] [4]
- Oat Straw
production. It also tones the uterus, reduces varicose veins occurring in pregnancy, and soothes the digestive tract. [5] [6] [7]
- Red Raspberry Leaf
Red Raspberry leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals, and volatile oils which are highly beneficial in pregnancy. Red raspberry leaves have the potential to tone the uterus, prevent excessive bleeding, increase lactation, and shorten the length of labor. [8] [9]
- Alfalfa
Alfalfa is a good source of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids and is used in nursing women to stimulate lactation. Moreover, it helps in blood purification, regulation of blood sugar levels, and keeping the balance of intestinal flora. [10]
- Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a good source of volatile compounds, phenolic compounds, and flavonols which may reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, and alleviate pain. [11] [12] [13]
- Red Rose Petals
Rose petals are good sources of iron, calcium, and vitamins (A, C, E) and have been used in traditional Chinese medicine to support digestion, improve sleep, and help mood swings. Vitamin C and polyphenols present in roses possess potent antioxidant abilities which help boost immunity, relieve inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases. [14]
- Rosehips
Rosehip possesses high levels of polyphenols, carotenoids, and vitamins which offer potent antioxidant activities. Owing to high antioxidants and vitamin C levels, rosehip boosts the immune system, relieves inflammation and pain, protects heart health, and aids weight loss. Rosehip help boosts the absorption of iron and calcium which is essential for growing a fetus.
Benefits of Nora Tea for Pregnancy
Nora tea is packed with healthy nutrients and bioactive compounds like vitamins and minerals essential for optimal health during such an exciting time in your life.
May Helps with prenatal Care
Raspberry leaves present in Nora/Pregnancy tea possess high quantities of calcium and vitamin A, C, D, and K. Nettles leaves and raspberry soothes the uterus and can be used as an effective fertility herb for women who are trying to conceive.
Can Support Healthy Pregnancy
Nora tea should be taken by pregnant women in their 2nd trimester of pregnancy as it provides the body with everything it needs (minerals and vitamins). It helps your body to be ready for delivery and the postpartum period. Rosehip present in our Nora pregnancy tea provides additional vitamin C.
Your immune system can be strengthened by vitamin C, and a robust amniotic sac can prevent early rupture prior to delivery.
If your iron reserves are high, you can lose more blood without suffering any negative consequences than someone with poor reserves. It provides a pleasant buffer, which is crucial in community-based birth (as in not in the hospital). This can help improve your iron levels if you start off somewhat (or significantly) anemic; we may also recommend other supplements. This will give you greater energy.
May Help in Delivery and Postpartum Period
Nora tea offers benefits not only in pregnancy but also helps in the delivery and postpartum period. It may shorten the duration time of labor, ease the release of the placenta, and help restore blood reserves that may have been depleted during delivery.
How Long Should You Drink?
It is a great option to continue drinking this tea even after delivery as it helps your body recover. Moreover, Nora tea can also benefits people who want to conceive soon after delivery, it helps boost iron levels and is an important part of prenatal care.
Safety and Concerns
It is recommended to drink this tea while TTC and then again beginning in the second trimester There is some controversial evidence related to the use of red raspberry leaves during pregnancy which is claimed to cause early miscarriage. To be on the safe side, it is suggested to begin drinking this tea in your second trimester.
Moreover, you should try to drink a quart daily and you will be habitual in making tea daily. If it is overwhelming to drink daily, you ought to drink it at least four times a week or half a quarter daily.
Bottom Line
Nora tea is packed with healthy nutrients including vitamins and minerals essential for the mother and fetus. It helps improve mineral absorption, prevent anemia, shorten labor, ease placental delivery, and benefits in the postpartum period.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only not to substitute any treatment. It is advised to consult your health care professional before using it as a remedy.